Introduction: Why Visualization Is Critical In ChIP-seq Analysis
After processing raw ChIP-seq data and identifying protein-DNA binding sites in Part 1, visualization becomes the crucial next step that transforms abstract numerical data into interpretable biological insights. While peak calling identifies where proteins bind to DNA, visualization helps answer questions about how and why these interactions occur within their genomic context.
Good visualization doesn’t just make your data look pretty—it reveals patterns, validates findings, generates hypotheses, and communicates results effectively. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the essential tools and techniques for visualizing ChIP-seq data, from genome browsers to command-line solutions.
What You’ll Learn In This Tutorial
- How to prepare ChIP-seq files for visualization
- How to use genome browsers (IGV and UCSC) for interactive data exploration
- How to create publication-quality heatmaps and profile plots with deepTools
- Best practices for effective ChIP-seq data visualization
- Troubleshooting common visualization issues
Beginner’s Tip: Visualization isn’t just the final step—it should be integrated throughout your analysis workflow to validate results and guide your next steps.
What Can Be Visualized in ChIP-seq Analysis?
ChIP-seq data visualization typically includes:
- Read Coverage Tracks: Displays the density of sequencing reads across the genome, showing binding intensity
- Peak Locations: Highlights statistically significant binding regions identified by peak callers
- Signal Profiles: Shows binding patterns around specific genomic features (e.g., transcription start sites)
- Heatmaps: Compares binding patterns across multiple samples or genomic regions
- Aggregate Plots: Summarizes average binding profiles across many regions
- Motif Enrichment: Visualizes DNA sequence motifs found within binding sites
- Genomic Context: Integrates binding sites with gene annotations, chromatin states, and other genomic features
Why Visualization Matters in ChIP-seq Analysis
Visualization serves several critical functions in ChIP-seq analysis:
- Quality Assessment: Reveals technical artifacts and experimental issues that numerical metrics might miss
- Pattern Discovery: Identifies binding patterns that might not be apparent from statistical analysis alone
- Hypothesis Generation: Suggests relationships between protein binding and gene regulation
- Result Validation: Confirms that peaks align with visual evidence of enrichment
- Data Integration: Connects protein binding with other genomic and epigenomic features
- Communication: Presents complex genomic data in an accessible format for collaboration and publication
Preparing Files for Visualization
Before diving into visualization tools, you need to generate the appropriate file formats from your processed ChIP-seq data:
Essential File Formats for ChIP-seq Visualization
- Peak files (.bed, .narrowPeak, .broadPeak):
- Contain chromosome, start, end, and often additional statistics
- Used for displaying discrete binding sites
- Typically small files that can be easily shared
- Signal files (.bigWig, .bedGraph):
- Represent continuous data across the genome
- Show binding strength at each position
- BigWig format is compressed and indexed for efficient browser loading
Let’s prepare these files using the example data from Part 1:
# STEP 1: Prepare visualization files
# Activate the HOMER environment
conda activate ~/Env_Homer
# 1.1: Convert peak files to BED format
echo "Converting HOMER peaks to BED format..."
# First, get chromosome sizes for the reference genome
fetchChromSizes hg38 > ~/GSE104247/homer/hg38.chrom.sizes
# Convert HOMER peak file to BED format ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/SRR6117703_USF2_peaks.tsv > ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/SRR6117703_USF2_peaks.bed
# Convert BED file to BigBed format
LC_ALL=C sort -k1,1 -k2,2n \
~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/SRR6117703_USF2_peaks.bed \
-o ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/SRR6117703_USF2_peaks_sorted.bed
bedToBigBed ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/SRR6117703_USF2_peaks_sorted.bed ~/GSE104247/homer/hg38.chrom.sizes ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/
# 1.2: Create signal tracks (bigWig files)
echo "Creating signal tracks for visualization..."
# Method 1: Make bigWig files using HOMER (normalized against Input)
makeUCSCfile \
~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2 \ # Tag directory for ChIP sample
-o auto \ # Auto-generate output name
-i ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117732_USF2_Input \ # Input control
-bigWig ~/GSE104247/homer/hg38.chrom.sizes \ # Chromosome sizes
-style chipseq # ChIP-seq style normalization
# Method 2: Make bigWig files using deepTools
# Create bigWig for ChIP sample (USF2)
bamCoverage \
--bam ~/GSE104247/bam/SRR6117703_USF2_sorted_dedup_filtered.bam \ # Input BAM
--outFileName ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/ \ # Output
--binSize 10 \ # Resolution (10bp bins)
--normalizeUsing RPKM \ # Normalize for sequencing depth
--effectiveGenomeSize 2913022398 \ # Effective size of hg38
--numberOfProcessors 8 # Use 8 CPU cores
# Create bigWig for Input control
bamCoverage \
--bam ~/GSE104247/bam/SRR6117732_USF2_Input_sorted_dedup_filtered.bam \
--outFileName ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/ \
--binSize 10 \
--normalizeUsing RPKM \
--effectiveGenomeSize 2913022398 \
--numberOfProcessors 8
echo "Visualization files prepared successfully!"
Technical Note: We provide two methods for creating signal tracks. HOMER’s approach automatically performs ChIP vs. Input normalization, while deepTools offers more customization options. Both approaches have merits depending on your specific visualization goals.
Key Tools for ChIP-seq Visualization
Three major tools dominate the ChIP-seq visualization landscape, each with distinct strengths:
1. Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV)

IGV is a high-performance desktop application developed by the Broad Institute that excels at interactive exploration of genomic data.
Key features:
- Responsive interface with smooth navigation
- Local installation with no data upload requirements
- Support for numerous file formats (BAM, BED, BigWig, etc.)
- Customizable track display settings
- Built-in analysis tools for basic operations
Best for: Detailed examination of binding patterns at specific loci, quick visualization of local datasets, and preliminary data exploration.
2. UCSC Genome Browser

The UCSC Genome Browser is a powerful web-based platform that emphasizes integration with public genomic datasets and annotations.
Key features:
- Extensive collection of pre-loaded annotation tracks
- Web-based access from any computer
- Advanced display customization options
- Session saving and sharing capabilities
- Integration with hundreds of public datasets
Best for: Contextualizing ChIP-seq data within the broader genomic landscape, sharing results with collaborators, and accessing public datasets.
3. deepTools

deepTools is a suite of Python tools specifically designed for visualizing and analyzing deep-sequencing data at scale.
Key features:
- Efficient handling of large datasets
- Comprehensive normalization options
- Flexible heatmap and profile plot generation
- Built-in statistical analysis capabilities
- Scriptable for reproducible workflows
Best for: Generating publication-quality heatmaps, creating aggregate plots across many regions, and performing sophisticated comparative analyses.
Visualizing ChIP-seq Data with Genome Browsers
Genome browsers display a reference genome sequence as a horizontal coordinate system, with different types of data aligned to these coordinates as “tracks.” Think of them as Google Maps for genomes – they let you navigate, zoom in and out of genomic regions, and overlay different types of genomic information.
Visualizing ChIP-seq Data in IGV
The Integrative Genomics Viewer (IGV) is a desktop application that provides a responsive, interactive environment for exploring genomic data.
Step 1: Install and Launch IGV
- Download IGV from
- Launch the application
- Select the reference genome (hg38) from the dropdown menu at the top
Step 2: Load Your Data Files
- Click on “File” → “Load from File…”
- Navigate to your project directory and select the following files:
~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/SRR6117703_USF2_peaks.bed (peak file)
~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/SRR6117703_USF2.ucsc.bigWig (signal track from HOMER)
~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/ (signal track from deepTools)
~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/ (control track)
Step 3: Navigate to Regions of Interest
- Enter gene symbols or genomic coordinates in the search box (e.g., “CCND1” or “chr8:128,747,680-128,753,674”)
- Use the “+” and “-” buttons to zoom in and out
- Right-click on tracks to access display options (color, track height, etc.)
Step 4: Interpret the Visualization
In IGV, you should see:
- The BigWig tracks displayed as continuous signal plots
- The BED track showing peaks as colored bars at the bottom
- Gene annotations displayed at the top (if you loaded them)
Pay attention to:
- Signal enrichment in your ChIP sample relative to the Input control
- Correlation between called peaks and visible signal enrichment
- Proximity of binding sites to genes or other genomic features
Beginner’s Tip: Right-click on a track and select “Autoscale” to automatically adjust the y-axis to fit the data in the current view. This helps visualize signal differences.

Visualizing ChIP-seq Data in UCSC Genome Browser
The UCSC Genome Browser provides a web-based platform with extensive annotation resources and sharing capabilities.
Step 1: Host Your Files Online
The UCSC Genome Browser doesn’t accept file uploads directly; files must be hosted online. One solution is to use Cyverse:
- Register for a free account at Cyverse
- Upload your BigWig and BED files to your Cyverse storage
- Make the files publicly accessible and copy their URLs
Technical Note: UCSC Genome Browser doesn’t accept file links from popular cloud storage services such as Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, or Box. Cyverse provides 5GB free storage that works with UCSC.
Step 2: Add Your Tracks to UCSC
- Go to UCSC Genome Browser
- Select “Human GRCh38/hg38” assembly
- Click on “MyData” → “Custom Tracks”
- Enter track definitions in the text box:
# Add Sample track
track type=bigWig name="USF2 ChIP-seq" bigDataUrl=YOUR_PUBLIC_LINK_ON_CYVERSE/ visibility=full color=0,0,255 viewLimits=0:85 autoScale=off maxHeightPixels=100:50:11
# Add Control track
track type=bigWig name="USF2 Input" bigDataUrl=YOUR_PUBLIC_LINK_ON_CYVERSE/ visibility=full color=128,128,128 viewLimits=0:85 autoScale=off maxHeightPixels=100:50:11
# Add Peaks
track type=bigBed name="USF2 Peaks" parent=USF2_Experiment description="USF2 Binding Sites" bigDataUrl=YOUR_PUBLIC_LINK_ON_CYVERSE/ visibility=pack color=255,0,0
- Click “Submit” to load your tracks
Step 3: Navigate and Customize
- Search for genes or coordinates of interest
- Use the navigation controls to adjust the view
- Configure track display settings by clicking on the track names
- Add public annotation tracks by clicking “add tracks”
Step 4: Save and Share Sessions
- Create an account on UCSC Genome Browser
- Click “My Data” → “My Sessions” → “Save Settings”
- You can share the session URL with collaborators to show exactly the same view
Beginner’s Tip: UCSC Genome Browser has thousands of annotation tracks available. Add tracks like “ENCODE Regulation” or “Conservation” to see how your binding sites correlate with known functional elements.

Advanced Visualization with deepTools
While genome browsers excel at inspecting individual loci, deepTools enables systematic visualization across thousands of genomic regions simultaneously, revealing global patterns.
Creating Heatmaps with deepTools
Heatmaps show ChIP-seq signal distribution across multiple genomic regions, with color intensity representing binding strength.
# STEP 2: Create ChIP-seq heatmaps with deepTools
# 2.1: Prepare matrix for heatmap
echo "Preparing matrix for heatmap visualization..."
# computeMatrix calculates scores (signal values) from bigWig files
# for specified genomic regions, creating a matrix for visualization
computeMatrix reference-point \
--referencePoint center \ # Center binding sites
-S ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/ \ # Signal file
-R ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/SRR6117703_USF2_peaks.bed \ # Peaks
-o ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/USF2_matrix_heatmap.gz \ # Output matrix
-b 1500 \ # 1500bp before reference point
-a 1500 \ # 1500bp after reference point
--binSize 10 \ # 10bp bins for resolution
--numberOfProcessors 8 # Use 8 CPU cores
# 2.2: Generate heatmap visualization
echo "Generating heatmap visualization..."
# plotHeatmap creates a heatmap from the matrix data
plotHeatmap \
-m ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/USF2_matrix_heatmap.gz \ # Input matrix
-out ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/USF2_heatmap.png \ # Output file
--sortRegions descend \ # Sort regions by signal strength
--colorMap RdYlBu \ # color scheme
--whatToShow 'heatmap and colorbar' \ # Show heatmap and color scale
--dpi 300 \ # High resolution
--regionsLabel "USF2 Binding Sites" \ # Label for regions
--samplesLabel "USF2" \ # Label for samples
--plotTitle "USF2 Binding Pattern" # Title for plot
echo "Heatmap created successfully!"
The resulting heatmap shows:
- Each row represents a binding site (peak)
- The x-axis shows distance from the peak center
- Color intensity indicates binding strength
- Sorting by signal reveals distinct binding patterns

Creating Profile Plots with deepTools
Profile plots show the average binding signal across all regions, providing a quantitative summary of binding patterns.
# STEP 3: Create ChIP-seq profile plots with deepTools
# 3.1: Prepare matrix for profile plot
echo "Preparing matrix for profile plot visualization..."
# Create a matrix with both ChIP and Input samples for comparison
computeMatrix reference-point \
--referencePoint center \ # Center on peak midpoints
-S ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/ \ # ChIP signal
~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/ \ # Input signal
-R ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/SRR6117703_USF2_peaks.bed \ # Regions
-o ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/USF2_matrix_profile.gz \ # Output file
-b 1500 \ # 1500bp before reference point
-a 1500 \ # 1500bp after reference point
--binSize 10 \ # 10bp bin size
--numberOfProcessors 8 # Use 8 CPU cores
# 3.2: Generate profile plot visualization
echo "Generating profile plot visualization..."
# plotProfile creates line plots showing average signal distribution
plotProfile \
-m ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/USF2_matrix_profile.gz \ # Input matrix
-out ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/USF2_profile.png \ # Output file
--perGroup \ # Plot each group separately
--colors blue green \ # Blue for ChIP, green for Input
--plotTitle "USF2 Binding Profile" \ # Plot title
--samplesLabel "USF2" "Input" \ # Sample labels
--regionsLabel "Binding Sites" \ # Regions label
--dpi 300 \ # High resolution
--plotType lines \ # Plot style
--yAxisLabel "Average Signal" \ # Y-axis label
--xAxisLabel "Distance from Peak Center (bp)" \ # X-axis label
--legendLocation "upper right" # Legend position
echo "Profile plot created successfully!"
The resulting profile plot shows:
- The x-axis represents distance from the peak center
- The y-axis shows average signal intensity
- The blue line shows USF2 ChIP-seq signal
- The green line shows Input control signal
- The sharp peak in ChIP vs. flat Input confirms specific binding

Creating Enrichment Comparison Heatmaps
To compare binding patterns across different genomic features, we can create feature-specific heatmaps:
# STEP 4: Create ChIP-seq feature-specific heatmaps
# 4.1: Download gene annotations
echo "Downloading gene annotations..."
# Create directory for annotations
mkdir -p ~/GSE104247/annotations
# Download gene TSS annotations from UCSC
wget -O ~/GSE104247/annotations/refGene.txt.gz
# Extract TSS positions (2kb window around TSS)
zcat ~/GSE104247/annotations/refGene.txt.gz | \
awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"} {if($4=="+") {print $3, $5-1000, $5+1000, $13, ".", $4} \
else {print $3, $6-1000, $6+1000, $13, ".", $4}}' | \
sort -k1,1 -k2,2n | uniq > ~/GSE104247/annotations/TSS_2kb.bed
# 4.2: Create matrix for TSS heatmap
echo "Creating TSS enrichment matrix..."
computeMatrix reference-point \
--referencePoint center \ # Center on TSS
-S ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/ \ # Signal file
-R ~/GSE104247/annotations/TSS_2kb.bed \ # TSS regions
-o ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/USF2_TSS_matrix.gz \ # Output matrix
-b 2000 \ # 2000bp before TSS
-a 2000 \ # 2000bp after TSS
--binSize 10 \ # 10bp bins
--numberOfProcessors 8 \ # 8 CPU cores
--skipZeros # Skip regions with no signal
# 4.3: Create TSS heatmap visualization
echo "Creating TSS enrichment heatmap..."
plotHeatmap \
-m ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/USF2_TSS_matrix.gz \ # Input matrix
-out ~/GSE104247/homer/SRR6117703_USF2/USF2_TSS_heatmap.png \ # Output file
--colorMap Blues \ # Blue color scheme
--whatToShow 'heatmap and colorbar' \ # Show heatmap and colorbar
--sortRegions descend \ # Sort by decreasing signal
--plotTitle "USF2 Binding at Transcription Start Sites" \ # Title
--regionsLabel "TSS" \ # Regions label
--samplesLabel "USF2" \ # Sample label
--zMin 0 \ # Minimum value for color scale
--dpi 300 # High resolution
echo "TSS enrichment analysis complete!"
Beginner’s Tip: Try creating similar heatmaps for other genomic features like enhancers, CTCF sites, or CpG islands to understand the binding preference of your protein of interest.

Best Practices for Effective ChIP-seq Visualization
Choosing the Right Visualization Method
- For exploring specific loci: Use genome browsers (IGV or UCSC)
- For global binding patterns: Use deepTools heatmaps and profiles
- For comparative analysis: Use multiple tracks in browsers or multi-sample heatmaps
- For publication figures: Combine browser screenshots with deepTools plots
Color Selection and Scaling
- Use intuitive colors: Red/blue for positive/negative values, grayscale for controls
- Maintain consistent colors: Use the same color scheme across related figures
- Consider color blindness: Avoid red-green combinations
- Choose appropriate scaling:
- Linear scale for most signals
- Log scale for datasets with extreme value ranges
- Set consistent scales when comparing samples
Incorporating Genomic Context
- Include gene annotations in genome browser views
- Highlight functional elements (promoters, enhancers, etc.)
- Add complementary data tracks (e.g., histone modifications, DNase sensitivity)
- Include genome coordinates for reference
Figure Organization for Publications
- Combine overview and detail: Show genome-wide patterns and specific examples
- Create multi-panel figures: Browser views + heatmaps + profiles
- Include controls: Always show input controls for comparison
- Provide clear legends: Explain color scales, track identities, etc.
Troubleshooting Common Visualization Issues
Missing or Incomplete Signal Tracks
Problem: BigWig files appear empty or have gaps.
- Check chromosome naming consistency (e.g., “chr1” vs “1”)
- Verify that BAM files are properly indexed
- Ensure proper normalization parameters
- Check for regions excluded during alignment (e.g., blacklisted regions)
Poor Signal-to-Noise Ratio
Problem: Difficult to distinguish true signal from background.
- Adjust track display settings (y-axis scale)
- Try different normalization methods
- Compare with Input control
- Focus on high-confidence peaks
Browser Performance Issues
Problem: Slow loading or browser crashes.
- Use indexed and compressed formats (BigWig instead of bedGraph)
- Reduce the number of tracks displayed simultaneously
- Limit the genome region being viewed
- Use a local browser (IGV) for very large datasets
Inconsistent Scaling Between Samples
Problem: Direct visual comparison is difficult due to different scales.
- Use “Group Autoscale” in IGV to apply consistent scales for multiple samples
- Use deepTools with fixed min/max values (–zMin and –zMax)
- Create normalized ratio tracks (ChIP/Input)
Conclusion: From Visualization to Biological Insight
Effective visualization is the bridge between computational analysis and biological understanding in ChIP-seq experiments. By combining the strengths of genome browsers for detailed inspection with the pattern discovery capabilities of deepTools, you can extract meaningful insights from your data.
Remember that visualization is not just the final step in your analysis—it should be integrated throughout your workflow to validate results, guide your analysis decisions, and generate new hypotheses.
In the next tutorial of this series, we’ll explore how to perform differential binding analysis to compare ChIP-seq experiments across different conditions, further expanding your ChIP-seq analysis toolkit.
Resources and Further Reading
Software Documentation
ChIP-seq Visualization Tutorials
This tutorial is part of the beginner’s guide to next-generation sequencing analysis. If you have questions or suggestions, please leave a comment below.
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